Saturday, December 2, 2006

The First Post

How appropriatly titled. Because it is, of course, the first post. ;)

So while I go over and over in my head what to do with myself, I always come back to the same conclusion. The Body For Life Plan. While I still am currently counting WeightWatcher's Points and attendting the meetings, I am finding that I must switch to eating healthier, more carb/protein balanced food to lose weight. So instead of counting points for lowfat chips and crackers, I will count them for things like stringcheese, fruit, cottagecheese, etc. I honestly think this is the only way for me to live, because when I eat alot of the processed junk it causes me to be starving ten minutes later and it isn't giving me energy or fueling my body in the least bit.

I will log my progress daily, and post recipes, helpful links, and there will also be the occasional sponsored post. Enjoy!

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