Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So Proud

I'm so proud of myself. I finally managed to stay within my points for an entire day. That is not alot, and doesn't seem like alot to people that do the WeightWatcher's plan perfectly, but for me, who has struggled with starting over daily for the past four years this is huge. It's motivating me to stay within my points for another whole day, and when I make it through today, it will motivate me through tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and then when I weigh in next Wednesday, the loss I have will motivate me to keep going and keep going. It's a beautiful thing. I lost 54lbs with weightwatchers in 2002 but gained it all back plus some in 2004. Now I have 110 lbs to lose. It's a lot longer journey this time so It is taking all I have to stay focused. But stay focued, I beleive I can now. One Day At A Time.

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