Monday, March 19, 2007

Dump The Scale

Scales are evil, evil contraptions. Especially when someone is trying to lose weight. A person's weight can fluctuate up to five or more pounds from morning to night and will be all over the place throught the day. It can really make or break someone trying to eat healthy, excersize and loose weight if they take the number on the scale to seriously.

Take into considertation, someone who has about 25-30lbs to lose. If they work out hard, eat healthy, drink their water for an entire week. They get on the scale and see they have either stayed the same or are only down a pound or so and are not happy with that and just give up, going back to their previous eating and couch potato habits. This is purely psychological.

That scale is nothing but a number. If they rely solely on that number they will surely fail. Some people understand that their weight fluctuates and can move past it and just keep on eating healthy and working out. However, the majority of people trying to lose weight will get discouraged by the number on the scale and just give up. Do you know how sad that is? If that person were to have taken their measurements as well as their weight the first week, and waited a month to check on progress they would have been more satisfied, for it is the overtime progress that counts, not the day to day progress. Not to mention that in reality, we all want to be smaller and more toned and fined, which means losing inches from working out and eating healthy is a better thing to hope for. Often times if you don't see the number on the scale, you will see the number in inches lost.

The most important thing is to be healthy. Toss the scale. If you can't completly toss it, at least only pull it out once every two weeks or so and don't rely to heavily on what it says. If you continue to eat healthy and excersize and drink your water, you WILL see results. They may not be that immediate gratification we all want to see, but they WILL come. Just keep at it. Don't let a number rule you.

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