Sunday, December 30, 2007

Daily Eerie Story 6

I was reading this from a ghost stories website. It's really creepy but i'm not sure I beleive it. If it IS true, it's really creepy and if I was the chick I would have been a LITTLE bit more creeped out than she was and would not have been able to sleep after that message.

My name is Anna and about two years ago I came home from a party pretty late at night. I notice there is a message on my machine. I play it and it says "help me..Anna?" in a quiet, and distant voice. I couldn't tell if it was familiar or not. It skeeved me out a bit..ok ALOT but I just deleted it. It was to late to call everyone I know to see who it was. The caller ID showed it as "Unknown". The call time was 9:50pm. There was another call right before that at 9:45pm but there was no message on the machine.

Later that night I was awoken by my phone ringing. I answer it and it's my sister. She is hysterical. My father had died around 9:30pm and she had called a short while later at around 9:40 she said but didn't want to tell me the news on my machine. I later found out that he clutched his heart as he died and called out for my help, though I wasn't there. Was the call I received from beyond the grave?...

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